Meet the Team

Javier Andrés Colón Volgamore
By trade, I am a disability advocate. By character, I am a legal scholar and anthropologist.  My background includes 15+ years of public and private experience related to disability determinations.  I have represented clients, advised adjudicators, and adjudicated claims. My education was first as an Anthropologist at Princeton University then as a Lawyer.  After the Juris Doctor (JD), I completed a Legum Magister (LLM) focused on Litigation and Alternative Methods of Dispute Resolution. My career has been tied to understanding administrative law, government, regulation, and adjudication, particularly as they relate to medical disabilities. My gregarious nature and meticulous analysis allow me to bring forward the subtleties in medical records and in people’s lived experiences. A sense of community responsibility is central to my morals and guides my professional choices.

Degrees, Awards, and Bars

High School
Princeton University - Anthropolgy
Juris Doctor (JD)
Legum Magister (LLM)
Recognition from Administrative Law Judges
Recognition from SSA
Maryland Bar
District of Columbia Bar
Puerto Rico Bar
U.S. Federal Circuit Bar

Use our expertise. Strengthen your case.

“Have a voice. Tell your truth.”



Address: 1451 Rockville Pike, Suite 250 Rockville, MD 20852

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